Wellness Tips

How to Master Your Food Cravings

We all yearn for delectable treats that might not always align with our wellness goals. Who can resist the allure of chips, baked goods, or a scoop of ice cream? It’s a universal experience, and I’m no exception. As a nutrition coach, one of the most frequently asked questions I encounter is, “How can I gain control over my food cravings?” The answer is multifaceted, and you don’t need to adopt every strategy. The key is to explore various evidence-based methods and select the ones that resonate with you, helping you achieve your personalized nutrition goals. Here, I’ve outlined some evidence-based tactics to help you conquer those pesky food cravings.

1. Meal Timing

  • Consume three well-balanced meals each day, spaced approximately 3 to 4 hours apart.
  • Consider enjoying a light afternoon snack around 3-4 pm, if needed.
  • Establish a consistent time each day to indulge in the foods you crave, and stick to it.

2. Distinguish Between Homeostatic and Hedonic Hunger

Sometimes we eat because our bodies genuinely require sustenance (homeostatic hunger), while other times we eat purely for pleasure (hedonic hunger). Here’s how to manage each type of hunger responsible for your food cravings:

Homeostatic Hunger (Physiological Hunger)

  • Choose healthy and nutritious foods to satisfy your body’s need for fuel.

Hedonic Hunger

  • Keep indulgent foods out of your home.
  • Learn to prepare healthier versions of your favorite foods. This may involve searching for recipes and acquiring basic cooking skills.

3. Drink

Before succumbing to a craving, consider whether you’re actually thirsty. Staying hydrated can help stave off unnecessary snacking. Opt for these hydrating options:

  • Tea
  • Water
  • Seltzer
  • Black coffee

4. Follow a Reduction Plan

Gradually reduce your consumption of the foods you wish to minimize or eliminate from your diet. This can be achieved by:

  • Reducing portion sizes of craving-inducing foods.
  • Decreasing the frequency of meals involving such foods.
  • Cutting back on the number of days you indulge in these foods.

I delve into these steps in more detail in my book, “The Win-Win Diet.”

5. Avoid Zero-Calorie Sweeteners

These sweeteners can confuse your brain’s fullness signals, potentially leading to overeating. Instead, focus on consuming nutritious foods, particularly those rich in lean protein and fiber.

Lean Protein Sources

  • Fish
  • Soy products
  • Skinless white meats
  • 95% lean red meats (with excess fat trimmed)

Fiber-Rich Foods

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

6. Distractions

Boredom is a common trigger for craving-indulgent foods. If you recognize boredom as your trigger, consider these distraction techniques:

  • Brush your teeth
  • Practice meditation
  • Engage in physical exercise
  • Focus on visual tasks
  • Play board games
  • Spend quality time with family and friends (opt for activities instead of eating and drinking)
  • Watch TV (avoid shows associated with food cravings)

7. Prioritize Sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial in regulating your hunger hormones and curbing cravings. Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep daily.

8. Exercise

Exercise can be a helpful tool for managing food cravings, but it’s essential to strike a balance. A few considerations:

  • Maintain a consistent exercise schedule.
  • Mix high-intensity and low-intensity workouts.
  • Incorporate a variety of activities, including cardio, strength training, and relaxation exercises.

9. De-Stress

Stress can trigger hormones that drive food cravings. To mitigate stress, try:

  • Breathing exercises
  • Meditation
  • Conversations with friends
  • Talk therapy
  • Soothing music
  • A leisurely stroll
  • Art and creative activities
  • Reading

10. Mindful Eating

Adopting mindful eating practices can help you savor food with awareness and purpose, rather than eating for emotional or psychological reasons. To get started, make each meal a sensory experience:

  • Observe the appearance of your food.
  • Savor the aroma.
  • Delight in the taste.
  • Pay attention to the texture as you chew.
  • Listen to the sound of your chewing.

Mastering your food cravings is a journey, and it’s all about finding what strategies work best for you. Experiment with these evidence-based tactics, and over time, you’ll discover the keys to managing your cravings while maintaining your wellness goals.

My new book is out!

Reinvent your diet, take control of your health, and live a better life with a flexible and sustainable plant-based diet solution.